NEWS / Winamp 2.77 und Beta 3 verfügbar...

10.10.2001 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

Der bekannte MP3- und CD-Player Winamp von Nullsoft, ist nun mal wieder gleich in zwei neuen Versionen erhältlich. Zum einen gibt es jetzt Version 2.77 (unten noch einmal genauer erläutert) und zum anderen der neue Winamp 3, welcher sich allerdings noch im Beta-Status befindet. Beide Versionen, können wie gewohnt auf heruntergeladen werden. Hier die Verbesserungen bzw. Änderungen in Version 2.77:

  • mb.ini skin support (Winamp/MBOpen)
  • added page and slider for ´shuffle morph rate´ to Preferences so you can control how much the playlist morphs (mutates) each time it cycles through
  • PP´s ACM disk writer output plug-in instead of the classic one
  • PP´s WAV/VOC reader (Which is apparently so much better, but we will see)
  • included new in_midi and in_mod (yay)
  • made playlist editor automatically size down when necessary (on startup)
  • made drag and drop playlist URLs work
  • made alt+delete work again in playlist editor
  • made winamp.exe and winampa.exe both much less likely to fudge HKCR/
  • fixed drag and drop in vis areas
  • made Winamp handle language packs that lack strings and/or dialogs better
  • made physical file remover ask you for every file, to prevent disasters
  • fixed issues with using a large number of input plug-ins and extensions in open box (I think)
  • fixed a small "bug" in the id3 editor of in_mp3
  • fixed the frame count bug in id3 editor of in_mp3
  • made general purpose plug-in uninstall capability
  • new hyper-leet desktop icon on new installs of full version
  • removed Mjuice support from full version
  • tinyvis 2001 v2.04
  • AVS includes experimental fullscreen overlay mode

Quelle: Winamp, Autor: Patrick von Brunn


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