Nach der Bekanntgabe der verschiedenen Windows Server 2003 Pakete (News), war klar, dass es vorerst kein Windows mit 64 Bit Support für den AMD Opteron bzw. Athlon 64 geben wird. Entweder 32 Bit oder Linux sollte bis zum heutigen Tag die Lösung lauten...
Doch wie Entwickler Microsoft heute in einer offiziellen Pressemitteilung bekannt gibt, plant man die ersten 64 Bit Betriebssysteme. Erste 64 Bit Beta-Releases von Windows XP und Windows Server 2003 plant man für kommenden Sommer. Bis wann die finalen Versionen auf den Markt kommen werden, und zu welchem Preis, ist bisher noch nicht bekannt. Folgend die Presseinfo von Microsoft (Englisch)...
"REDMOND, Wash. -- April 9, 2003 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced it is developing native 64-bit versions of its Windows® XP and Windows Server (TM) 2003 operating systems designed to support the upcoming AMD Opteron (TM) and AMD Athlon (TM) 64 processors. Microsoft is extending 64-bit support in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 to run natively on the upcoming AMD Opteron processor for servers and workstations and the upcoming AMD Athlon 64 processor for desktops and notebooks. Desktop and server beta releases are expected in the middle of 2003.
"We are pleased to help usher in a new era of business value by extending our ongoing investment in 64-bit computing to the AMD platform," said Brian Valentine, senior vice president of Microsoft´s Windows Division. "Microsoft´s 64-bit Windows operating systems represent an inflection point leading to higher performance and greater efficiency for businesses and consumers."
Microsoft´s ongoing development of 64-bit software and its collaboration with industry-leading semiconductor manufacturers provide further evidence of its commitment to delivering high-performance, scalable operating systems and innovative products. The native 64-bit versions of Windows for the AMD processors are the latest in Microsoft´s continuing efforts to deliver industry-leading innovation at an excellent price-to-performance ratio.
"AMD and Microsoft each have a history of making technology accessible and productive for the businesses and individuals who use it," said Dirk Meyer, senior vice president of AMD´s Computation Products Group. "Native 64-bit Microsoft® Windows on AMD provides customers a high-performance 32-bit application platform together with an easy migration path to the power of 64-bit computing."
Having the ability to run their current 32-bit applications on the 64-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 will be a key benefit for customers who plan to invest in 64-bit technology with the upcoming AMD Opteron and AMD Athlon 64 processors. This critical architectural flexibility will allow customers to upgrade to 64-bit applications as they become available, and protects customers´ current and future technology investments.
The 64-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 for the upcoming AMD Athlon 64 and AMD Opteron processors are designed for use on servers and high-end desktops and workstations. They are expected to increase the efficiency of many operations, including engineering and scientific projects, financial services, online transaction processing, data warehousing, digital content creation, video editing, advanced gaming, and computer-aided design.
In the fourth quarter of 2002, Microsoft delivered to industry partners a developmental release of the 64-bit operating system with application development tools for the AMD 64-bit processor hardware..."
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