NEWS / ATi veröffentlicht Catalyst 03.1

12.02.2003 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

Nach einem längeren Zeitraum, veröffentlicht auch das Entwickler-Team von ATi wieder einen neuen Treiber für die eigenen Grafikkarten. Der neue Catalyst 03.1 soll vorallem in Sachen Performance aktueller Chips einiges zulegen und zum Beispiel Radeon 9700, 8500 und 7500 einen Performanceschub verleihen. Hier ein Ausschnitt aus den offiziellen Release-Notes...


  • A performance improvement of up to 35% at high resolutions is noticed in ChameleonMark
  • A performance improvement between 2 and 7% is noticed in 3Dmark
  • A performance improvement between 6 and 24% is noticed in Comanche4
  • A performance improvement of 10% is noticed in Max Payne
  • A performance improvement between 20 and 40% is noticed in UT2003 Flyby
  • A performance improvement between 30 and 40% is noticed in IL-2 Sturmovik when Aniso or Aniso and Anti-Aliasign is enabled at the display resolution of 1600x1200
  • A performance improvement between 17 and 24% is noticed in Jedi Knight II when Aniso or Aniso and Anti-Aliasign is enabled at the display resolution of 1600x1200

  • Anti-Aliasing scores rise 15-35% across various benchmarks
  • A performance improvement between 10 and 50% is noticed in NHL2002

  • A performance improvement of 5% is noticed in the 3DMark2001 SE Vertex Shader test
Download: ATi Catalyst 03.1 (Win 9x/ME)

Download: ATi Catalyst 03.1 (Win 2000/XP)

Quelle: ATi, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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