NEWS / Neuer 3D Mark 2003 Patch: Mirror bei uns!

11.11.2003 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

Der letzte Patch für Futuremark´s 3D Mark 2003 Benchmark liegt schon etwas länger zurück (Ende Mai), doch nun hat man wieder eine neue Version veröffentlicht. Built 3.4.0 soll verschiedene Bugs und Fehler beheben. Nebenbei hat man auch Teile des Programmcodes modifiziert, sodass auch spezielle Treiberoptimierungen nicht mehr greifen. Mehr dazu in der folgenden Pressemeldung (Englisch). Natürlich stellen wir auch für den neuen 3D Mark 03 Patch einen Mirror bereit.

"Futuremark Corporation announced today the immediate availability of a patch to the 3DMark03 benchmark suite. 3DMark03 is the worldwide standard tool for easily and objectively measuring and comparing PCs´ 3D performance.

Available immediately, this free downloadable software patch provides the only valid version (340) of 3DMark03. Only scores obtained through the version 340 and with approved drivers will be used in official statistics, comparisons and services provided by Futuremark.

Parts of the program code have been changed so that possible 3DMark03 specific optimizations in current drivers will not work. 3DMark03 specific optimizations in drivers are against run rules of 3DMark03, because they invalidate the performance measurement results and thus make it impossible to compare performances of different hardware. A list of drivers that have been tested and confirmed to produce valid 3DMark03 scores has been published on Futuremark´s website..."

Download: 3D Mark 2003 Patch (3.4.0) (Win 9x/ME/2000/XP)

Quelle: E-Mail, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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